Name............. CD32 Gamer Issue 3
Publisher........  Paragon Publishing 
Price............ Information not available.
CDROMs........... 1
Used Space....... 72 MB
Language......... English
Bootable......... Yes
Filesystem....... Information not available.
Requirements..... Joypad/joystick, AGA
Usable Software..

                  Amiga KS1.3+ ............. Information not available.
                  Amiga KS2.1+ ............. Information not available.
                  Amiga KS3.0+ ............. Information not available.
                  Amiga KS3.0+ AGA ......... 100%
                  IBM PC WIN3.1 ............   0%

Release Date..... 1994

Contents......... Legacy Of Sorasil-Demo
               Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge-Demo
               Nigel Mansell`s Championship-Demo
               World Cup Quiz

Access Software.. Information not available.

Comments......... Comes with CD32 Gamer Magazine.

Testers Opinion.. Information not available.

Keywords......... Games, Coverdisc

Sources..........  Anders Bakkevold 

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